
What is civil ID card in Kuwait?



What is civil ID card in Kuwait? The Civil ID card in Kuwait is a crucial piece of identification issued by the Kuwaiti government to residents, both citizens and expatriates. This card serves as an official proof of identity and is a key document required for various legal, financial, and administrative purposes in the country.

What is the Civil ID Card?

The Civil ID card is similar to a personal identification card that one might find in many other countries. It is issued by the Public Authority for Civil Information (PACI) in Kuwait. The card contains essential personal information, including the holder’s full name, nationality, date of birth, and a unique 12-digit civil number. This number is particularly important as it is used in many government transactions and services.

Importance of the Civil ID Card

For anyone living in Kuwait, whether a citizen or an expatriate, the Civil ID card is indispensable. It is required when:

  • Accessing Government Services: The Civil ID is needed for any interaction with government agencies, such as renewing residency, applying for government benefits, or registering for healthcare services.
  • Banking and Financial Transactions: Banks and financial institutions in Kuwait require a Civil ID card for opening accounts, applying for loans, or any other financial transactions.
  • Employment: Employers in Kuwait require employees to have a valid Civil ID to ensure legal employment and residency status.
  • Travel within the GCC: For Kuwaitis and some expatriates, the Civil ID can be used as a travel document within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries.

How to Obtain and Renew the Civil ID

Obtaining a Civil ID card involves submitting necessary documents such as your passport, residency permit, and a completed application form to the PACI. Once issued, the card is typically valid for a set period and must be renewed before expiration. The renewal process is straightforward but must be done on time to avoid any legal complications.


The Civil ID card in Kuwait is much more than just a simple identification card; it is a vital document that plays a central role in the daily lives of residents, facilitating everything from government interactions to banking and employment.

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