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Minimum Salary For Driving License in Kuwait 2024



Minimum Salary For Driving License in Kuwait 2024

Minimum Salary For Driving License in Kuwait 2024. In Kuwait, the process of obtaining a driving license for expatriates entails adhering to a set of stringent regulations, including minimum salary requirements, residency conditions, and educational qualifications. As of 2024, the minimum salary threshold stands as a pivotal criterion for expatriates seeking to acquire a driving license within the country.

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Minimum Salary For Driving License in Kuwait 2024

Expatriates aspiring to obtain a driving license in Kuwait must meet specific eligibility criteria, among which the requirement of holding a university degree, drawing a monthly salary of at least KD 600, and maintaining residency in Kuwait for a minimum of two years are paramount.

Eligibility Criteria for Expatriates

  1. University Degree Requirement: Expatriates must possess a university degree to be eligible for a driving license in Kuwait. This criterion underscores the importance of education in ensuring proficiency and responsibility among license holders.
  2. Minimum Monthly Salary: As of 2024, expatriates seeking a driving license in Kuwait must demonstrate a monthly income of no less than KD 600. This financial threshold serves as an indicator of financial stability and responsibility, ensuring that license holders have the means to meet the associated costs and obligations of driving in Kuwait.
  3. Residency Period: Prospective license holders must have resided in Kuwait for a minimum of two years. This requirement underscores the commitment of expatriates to the country and its regulations, ensuring that individuals are well-acquainted with local driving conditions and regulations before obtaining a license.
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Challenges and Considerations

The process of obtaining a driving license in Kuwait for expatriates is characterized by its complexity, expense, and time-consuming nature. While the stringent eligibility criteria aim to uphold safety standards and regulate the influx of drivers on Kuwaiti roads, they also pose significant challenges for expatriates navigating the bureaucratic procedures involved.

  1. Financial Implications: The minimum salary requirement of KD 600 poses a financial barrier for many expatriates, particularly those in lower-paying jobs or entry-level positions. Meeting this threshold may necessitate adjustments to their employment or lifestyle to qualify for a driving license.
  2. Time-Consuming Process: Acquiring a driving license in Kuwait involves navigating through a series of bureaucratic procedures, including attending driving classes, passing tests, and fulfilling documentation requirements. This process often spans several months, leading to delays and frustrations for expatriates eager to obtain their license promptly.
  3. Language and Cultural Barriers: Expatriates may encounter challenges related to language and cultural differences during the license acquisition process. Understanding and adhering to local regulations and procedures require proficiency in Arabic, which may pose difficulties for non-native speakers.

Despite these challenges, obtaining a driving license in Kuwait remains a significant milestone for expatriates, granting them mobility and independence in navigating the country’s roads. By meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria and navigating through the complexities of the licensing process, expatriates can access the privileges and responsibilities associated with driving in Kuwait.

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The minimum salary requirement for obtaining a driving license in Kuwait underscores the government’s commitment to ensuring road safety and regulating the influx of drivers. While presenting challenges for expatriates, adherence to the stipulated criteria is essential for fostering responsible driving behavior and upholding the integrity of Kuwait’s transportation system.

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Technical Issues in Sahel and Health Ministry Systems Raise Cybersecurity Concerns




Technical Issues in Sahel and Health Ministry Systems

Technical Issues in Sahel and Health Ministry Systems Raise Cybersecurity Concerns. In recent days, the Ministry of Health experienced a technical issue that disrupted its systems. This glitch led to the activation of emergency protection protocols and forced the ministry to switch to manual operations. This immediate response aimed to protect sensitive data and prevent further complications within its digital infrastructure.

Sahel App Glitch Leaves Users Struggling to Access Services

Shortly after the Ministry of Health’s system malfunction, the unified government application for electronic services, “Sahel,” encountered a technical glitch. The app, used by citizens and residents for various government services, became inaccessible, leaving many users frustrated and unable to complete essential tasks online.

Recurring Cybersecurity Incidents Raise Concerns

These glitches are not isolated incidents. In September of the previous year, the Ministry of Finance reported a viral hacking attempt, leading to the activation of security protocols. Similarly, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry faced a hacking attempt shortly afterward. These recurring issues have sparked questions about whether they are linked to external interference or are simply technical failures.

Are Government Systems Adequately Prepared for Cyber Threats?

With the growing number of “technical glitches” affecting key government agencies, concerns are mounting about whether these incidents could be the result of coordinated cyberattacks. There is increasing pressure on state agencies to assess their preparedness in defending against potential breaches and securing their digital infrastructure.

Sahel App Team Working to Resolve the Issue

In response to the disruption, “Sahel” spokesperson Yousef Kazem reassured users that technical teams are working diligently to restore full functionality to the app. He advised users to update their digital civil card data through the “My Identity” app and then re-authenticate access by entering their civil number.

Strengthening Cybersecurity Frameworks is Crucial

These recent incidents highlight the urgent need for stronger cybersecurity measures across all government systems. As the country continues its digital transformation, maintaining a secure and resilient infrastructure is vital for the uninterrupted delivery of public services. Government agencies must enhance their security protocols and improve coordination to prevent further disruptions.


The ongoing technical issues within essential government systems emphasize the need for vigilance in the face of rising cyber threats. It is critical that state agencies remain proactive in securing their digital platforms to ensure the safety and integrity of public services.

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