
Kuwait Civil ID Cards Will No Longer Be Delivered To Homes



The Public Authority for Civil Information no longer delivers civil cards home due to the expiration of its contract with a specialized company. The State Audit Bureau received the last request for renewal of the contract on July 28, 2021.

The delivery company receives the remaining amount from PACI while 650 fills go to Civil ID card holders. The company provided its services during 2022, despite the contract expiring in July 2021, according to the Audit Bureau report. This month, the authority stopped providing the service.

Public Authority for Civil Information is expediting the issuance of cards to domestic workers, citizens, and ex-pats working in government ministries. The delay in issuing Civil ID cards to private company workers and dependents may last for months. Kuwaitis and ex-pats have already complained about the delay in obtaining civil cards.


Q1) How do I check my civil ID for home delivery?

Ans:- Yes you can check Kuwait civil ID for home delivery. please follow this process.
  • Find out more about PACI’s home delivery service on its official website.
  • Click on the link to visit their website.
  • Select ‘options’ from the drop-down menu. At the top right corner of the PACI feed page is a link to the feed.

Q2) How many days it will take to get new civil ID in Kuwait?

Ans:- If you pay 5 kd and apply for a new ID, you will receive the mobile ID immediately, but the card will take 3-4 months. You can check the delivery website now and then to see if your request has been accepted. The civil identification card will be delivered to you within 7-10 days after the civil identification request is accepted.

Q3) What is the waiting period for ID card?

Ans:- Upon successful registration for the Smart ID card, a Collection Slip will be handed over to the applicant who must come in person to the same National Identity Card Centre to pick up the Smart ID card.

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