
Book a Retest Appointment For Driving Test Kuwait



Book a Retest Appointment For Driving Test Kuwait. In the pursuit of obtaining a driver’s license, sometimes setbacks occur, leading to the need for a retest appointment. Understanding the process and requirements for booking such appointments is crucial. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help navigate through this process seamlessly.

Age Restrictions for Booking Retest Appointments

Before proceeding with booking a retest appointment, it’s important to note the age restrictions in place:

  • Individuals under the age of 18 are not permitted to book appointments for obtaining a special license.
  • Similarly, individuals under 18 cannot book appointments for acquiring a bicycle license.
  • For general or construction licenses, the minimum age requirement is 21.

Booking Procedure and Testing Schedule

  1. Testing Section Timing: Ensure you arrive promptly for your retest appointment as the testing section operates from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. It’s crucial to be punctual to avoid any inconvenience.
  2. Ramadan Timing Adjustments: During the holy month of Ramadan, there are adjustments to the testing schedule. Test times are consolidated into one period, starting from 9:30 am until 3 pm. Be mindful of these changes if scheduling falls within this period.
  3. Practical Driving Test: After successfully completing the theoretical test, applicants proceed to take the practical driving test on the same day. This streamlines the process and allows for efficient completion of both components of the examination.
  4. Holiday Contingencies: In the event of a sudden holiday aligning with the scheduled test date, it’s imperative to check with the test department promptly. This ensures clarity on whether the test will proceed as scheduled or if adjustments need to be made to the test date.


Booking a retest appointment for a driver’s license requires adherence to certain age restrictions and awareness of the testing schedule. Being punctual, especially during Ramadan, and staying informed about potential holiday disruptions are essential aspects of navigating this process smoothly. By following these guidelines diligently, individuals can efficiently book their retest appointments and work towards achieving their driver’s license goals.

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